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和奶茶妹妹一起听哥大教授讲金融!“货币银行学”即将开课 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


MOOCer2014年5月19日 07:36

哥大的Barnard College,就是奶茶妹妹去的那个学院哦,如果你想和奶茶一起听课上自习,这下有机会了^_^。。。那里的Perry G Mehrling教授开了一门金融方面的MOOC叫“货币银行学”,分一、二两部分。这门课介绍了基于英国中央银行和美国制度主义传统体系之上,现代社会中经济活动的“钱景”。第一部分探讨了支付系统和金融市场的经济性;第二部分探讨了外汇和资本市场的关系。第一部分将在5月27日开课,不可错过哦:P




The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is a wakeup call that we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. Produced and sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, this course is an attempt to begin the process of new economic thinking by reviving and updating some forgotten traditions in monetary thought that have become newly relevant.

Three features of the new system are central.

Most important, the intertwining of previously separate capital markets and money markets has produced a system with new dynamics as well as new vulnerabilities. The financial crisis revealed those vulnerabilities for all to see. The result was two years of desperate innovation by central banking authorities as they tried first this, and then that, in an effort to stem the collapse.

Second, the global character of the crisis has revealed the global character of the system, which is something new in postwar history but not at all new from a longer time perspective. Central bank cooperation was key to stemming the collapse, and the details of that cooperation hint at the outlines of an emerging new international monetary order.

Third, absolutely central to the crisis was the operation of key derivative contracts, most importantly credit default swaps and foreign exchange swaps. Modern money cannot be understood separately from modern finance, nor can modern monetary theory be constructed separately from modern financial theory. That’s the reason this course places dealers, in both capital markets and money markets, at the very center of the picture, as profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit.


1: The Four Prices of Money
2: The Natural Hierarchy of Money
3: Money and the State: Domestic
4: The Money View, Macro and Micro

Banking as a Clearing System
5: The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse
6: Federal Funds, Final Settlement
7: Repos, Postponing Settlement
8: Eurodollars, Parallel Settlement

Banking as Market Making
9: The World that Bagehot Knew
10: Dealers and Liquid Security Markets
11: Banks and the Market for Liquidity
12: Lender/Dealer of Last Resort

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